
What is Software?<\/span><\/h2>\n

Software is a general term for any non-physical component of a computing system<\/a>. Essentially, software provides instructions that tell the computer’<\/a>s physical components (hardware<\/a>) what to do and how to do it.<\/p>\n

Software is written in human-readable source code<\/a>, which is translated into binary machine code<\/a>. The machine code, which consists of 0s and 1s is what the hardware components understand and execute.<\/p>\n

Software can be proprietary<\/a> or open source<\/a> (OSS). Proprietary software<\/strong> is owned and controlled by an individual or company. Open source software<\/strong> is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute.<\/p>\n



Key Takeaways<\/span><\/h2>\n