The Myth:?“It’s been a while – you’re due a win.”
When it comes to busting myths, this is one of the easiest. That’s because, in the casino, only one thing matters: the numbers.
Every game, from baccarat to blackjack, to roulette to craps, has an embedded, irrefutable, mathematical formula that is impossible to deny.
Maybe, the Earth is flat; maybe Darwin is wrong; maybe, man never set foot on the moon. But: math ain’t maybe.
The Odds Don’t Lie
You can rinse these conspiracy theories all day long but, here’s the thing: when you spin the roulette wheel, there are 38 pockets that your ball can hit: one through 36, as well as the zero and double zero.
On a perfectly balanced wheel, your odds of hitting any single pocket are 38 to 1. (Side note: If you do hit it, you get paid 36 to 1. That imbalance, between the reality and the reward, is the house edge).
These numbers never change. Even if red has hit for the past 50 spins, there is no mathematical reason why black is more likely to hit on spin 51.
If you flip a coin, and it has landed heads up for 200 spins, the odds of either a head or a tail remain at 50/50, when you flip it for the 201st time.
That pressing feeling that you are ‘due a win’ is known as?the gambler’s fallacy; and it’s definitely a feeling you should ignore.
It can lead players down a very bumpy – and potentially costly – path.
Slots – both at land-based and?real money online casinos?– are perhaps the greatest instigators of the myth that you are due a win.
In the older, mechanical days, there may have been some truth to this. When the hoppers were full of coins, the hopper would activate a switch and the machine would start to pay out.
However, you can only find these one-armed bandits in Las Vegas museums nowadays.
Modern machines and?real money online slots?are controlled by an RNG (Random Number Generator).
RNGs are microprocessors, pre-programmed to generate numbers, exactly to the slot’s stated pay-out ratio, also known as the Return to Player (RTP). This means the wins are totally random.
If the odds of winning a jackpot are 1,000 to 1, and you have played the machine 999 times, the odds of you winning the jackpot on the 1,000th spin are still exactly the same: 1,000 to 1.
This is because a player may have won 10 jackpots – back-to-back – earlier in the week. Therefore, it could be at least 9,999 spins before another jackpot is due.
As long as the slot pays out at its recorded RTP, in the long term, your chances of winning never get any better or worse.
The House Always Wins
Sadly, at the casino, math is math and it owes you nothing.
Look at?the case of Patricia Demauro. She rolled a pair of dice 154 times, without hitting a seven.
On average, you will hit a seven after about eight rolls. However, every time you roll those dice, the actual odds of hitting a seven are 16.67%. Demauro spent four hours in the 83.33% zone – and made a fortune.
Trust us: you’re not due a win.
Life is a rollercoaster of highs, lows, swings, and roundabouts. But the casino is a constant. It’s a gamble and – in the long run – the house always has the edge.