Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of study in which computerized systems have the ability to learn, solve problems and autonomously achieve goals under varying (and sometimes uncertain) conditions. AI strategies encompass a wide range of methodologies and application areas including: Machine learning Robotic engineering Software bots
Autonomous Agent
What is an Autonomous Agent? An autonomous agent is an artificial intelligence (AI) program that...
Margaret Rouse
11 months
AI Washing
Margaret Rouse
11 months
Knowledge Extraction
Vangie Beal
11 months
Bounding Box
Marshall Gunnell
11 months
AI Accelerator
Tim Keary
11 months
Google Cloud Translation
Marshall Gunnell
12 months
Kernel Method
Marshall Gunnell
12 months
Feature Extraction
Vangie Beal
12 months
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