The late great Doyle Brunson once famously said: “Poker is war. People pretend it’s a game”.
It’s true: there are many gun references in poker. Aces are bullets, a showdown is a gunfight, and a dead man’s hand is the last thing Wild Bill Hickok saw before he bit the dust in Deadwood.
But, what is under the gun in poker?
It’s one of the best-known phrases in the game. If you want to play like a pro, understanding the perils of being under the gun (UTG) is vital.
Join us for a deep dive into the only position at the poker table protected by the U.S. Constitution. Are you ready for some Second Amendment action? It’s time to get under the gun.
What Is Under the Gun in Poker?
Under the gun is the name given to the position immediately to the left of the big blind. Poker positions are important to the game, and have a huge impact on strategy.
In a game of poker, the player under the gun is the first person to act pre-flop. It’s the toughest spot at the table, often setting up the betting action for the round.
If we look at a typical nine seat poker table, these are the different positions, clockwise from the button:
- The Dealer (Button)
- Small Blind (SB)
- Big Blind (BB)
- Under the Gun +1 (UTG+1)
- Middle Position (MP)
- Lojack (LJ)
- Hijack (HJ)
- Cut-Off (CO)
The pre-flop action starts with the player under the gun, seated to the left of the big blind.
He or she makes the opening call or bet. Post-flop, each round starts with the player to the immediate left of the button; the small blind (unless he or she has already folded).
Strategy for Playing Under the Gun in Poker
Getting to grips with positional play is critical when you learn to play poker. There are three basic positions in the game: early, middle, and late. If you’re under the gun, you’re in an early position.
Pre-flop, the small blind and big blind are late positions; the big blind is the last to act before the flop. Post-flop the small blind and big blind become early positions.
The strategy for playing under the gun can be summed up in one word: caution.
In two words: extreme caution.
You are the first to act after the big blind. If you want to stay in the hand, at the very least, you have to call and match the big blind.
The problem here is that a call – pre-flop – is always a weak move and everyone else at the table now gets to play their hand after you.
It’s more than likely that someone will raise leaving you invested in the pot with a costly fold as (probably) your best option.
The secret here is not to be seduced by a pretty hand. If you’re holding a low pocket pair, or middling suited connectors, the odds are not in your favor. If another player raises, chances are you’ve wasted a big blind.
Alternatively, if you’re on the button, you can raise with just about anything and scare your opponents off the pot. It’s aggressive, but could be worthwhile if you opponents are playing tight and the game is shorthanded.
The Best Hands when Playing Under the Gun
It’s simple: the best hands to play under the gun are the best ranked hands: high pocket pairs and suited broadways (cards that could make up an ace-high straight).
Any pair higher than 8s is worth playing.
One factor to consider is the number of players at the table. If there are only four of you in the game, you can afford to play lower value hands.
When to Fold when Playing UTG in poker
You should be folding a lot if you’re playing under the gun in poker.
Any hand weaker than pocket 8s or a suited broadway should probably be folded if you are playing a tight game at a table of more than five or six people.
If there are four or fewer playing, or it’s a friendly game, you might get a flop for the cost of a call. If everyone is playing position, you could find yourself facing a re-raise having already paid to call.
The Straddle
One way to avoid being under the gun is to straddle. To straddle, you announce ‘straddle’ and double the big blind pre-flop; effectively putting the player one position to your left UTG.
To the left of the dealer, you now have the small blind, the big blind, and the straddle: double the big blind. The pre-flop action starts with the player to the left of the straddle. He or she is now under the gun.
Not every casino permits a straddle. If they do, it is normally restricted to only the player sitting in the UTG position.
Mistakes to Avoid When Playing Under the Gun in Poker
Having established that UTG in poker is literally the worst position at the table, you can take comfort in the fact the dealer button moves after every hand. Your position is set to improve.
If you’re not holding the nuts, just sit the round out. Don’t be tempted to soft call a weak to average hand. Save that call for a great hand or the next round.
If you’re interested in playing the man, not the position, then you can mix it up when you are under the gun.
Any half decent poker player will already know the pitfalls of playing UTG. If your bluff game is on form, though, you can break all the rules.
Raise with rags, scare the table, and pocket the blinds. Unless you’re an open book, you might just get away with it.
There are really no hard and fast rules in poker. That’s the beauty of the game. You play with etiquette and it’s just you, the cards, the player, and position.
When you are under the gun, it’s all about position. In this case, your position is the weakest.
If you have great cards, stay in the hand. If not – bail. Of course, if you are playing the man, you might want to represent a great hand and bluff away the opposition.
Be warned: from the UTG poker position, you need to bluff the whole table.
The beauty of poker is that the position shifts after every hand. If you’re not sure about your cards, and you are sitting under the gun, the decision is easy: fold and wait for the next round.