A check in poker is an important move which could signify anything from you giving up your hand, to you trying to get more information, or even setting a trap when you have the nuts.
So what exactly is checking in poker, and how you do it? We’ll walk you through the ins and outs, including when you should and shouldn’t check. We’ll be focusing on a standard Texas Hold’em setup, as that’s the most common game you’ll play – but it will mostly apply to any type of poker.
What Does Check Mean in Poker?
To check in poker is to basically do nothing when it’s your turn. That’s it.
You’re not throwing your cards into the muck, or sticking in a fat wad of chips. You’re simply moving action to the next player without having changed anything.
To briefly step aside from poker terms, it’s like saying: “After you, kind sir/m’lady” to the next player.
Checking is very common in poker, and is definitely not always a sign of weakness or bad play. When used at the right times, a check can quite often be the correct decision.
To check in live tournament poker, you can say the word “check” or you can tap the table.
All the best online poker sites will have a button that says “Check”. Handily, it only appears when you can use it, so you can’t accidentally check after somebody’s already bet.
When You Can & Can’t Check
Let’s have a look at some situations to help you understand when this move is allowed. If you’re new to the game, it’s worth learning how to play poker and familiarizing yourself with the rules before anything else.
To take part in a hand of Hold’em poker, you need to put in a number of chips equal to or greater than the big blind.
When you check, you put in no chips. This means that you can’t check pre-flop.
The only exception is if you’re sitting in the big blind and nobody else raises. When the action comes to you, you have two options:
- Check and see a flop
- Raise and put the action back on your next opponent
After the flop, turn or river and when it’s your turn to act in poker, there will be two or three possible options at your fingertips.
The first trio of options will be:
- Fold
- Call
- Raise
These are the options you’ll have if somebody has bet before you in that particular round of betting.
Notice – no option to check there.
But, if nobody has bet yet, you’ll only have two options:
- Check
- Raise
Remember, checking is when you don’t put any chips in but you also don’t fold. If all players are on the same page, the action can check round and the next card will be dealt.
An Example of When You Can Check
Let’s say you pick up 10-9 off-suit under the gun (meaning you’re the first one to act). You can call the big blind, raise it, or you can fold.
You have no option to check, because you haven’t put in that pre-flop minimum bet, which gets you involved in the first place.
But let’s imagine you’re feeling a little racy, and you decide to raise that 10-9 hand (not recommended). Two players call you. The flop comes out A-K-3, and you realize you don’t have much chance of winning.
You don’t have to fold, because nobody has bet (yet). You also don’t need to put any chips in the pot to carry on.
Instead, you can check to your opponent, and see what they do.
From the flop onwards, there is no rule that says players have to make a bet – so you could check round on the flop, turn and river and reveal your hands without another chip hitting the pot.
Tips For When You Should & Shouldn’t Check Your Hand
Poker is a complicated game, so there are all sorts of nuances about when to check.
Here, we’ll give you four tips on when you should and shouldn’t check – but just remember that rules are made to be broken!