What Does Serverless Architecture Mean?
Serverless architecture describes architectures where companies or stakeholders effectively outsource data handling by servers to a third party. Experts point out that serverless architecture does not mean that there are no servers involved in handling data – it simply means that the company absolves itself of responsibility for managing and caring for the servers.
Techopedia Explains Serverless Architecture
With the advances of cloud computing and software as a service (SaaS), vendors have developed services that will enable companies to utilize serverless architectures. Some of these may be referred to as backend as a service or as some form of cloud provider offering. One prominent and popular example is Amazon Web Service (AWS). AWS is a popular enterprise choice for software as a service, and offers services that bill themselves as serverless architecture solutions. Essentially, companies are able to take in data from AWS servers so that they do not need to maintain their own. This comes with obvious benefits in terms of cost, efficiency and a lower burden of hardware maintenance responsibility.