What Does Hype Cycle Mean?
A hype cycle is a graphical representation model produced by Gartner Inc. that helps organizations understand the maturity and adoption of new and emerging technologies and how they can be used to address and solve real business problems. An organization uses a hype cycle to complement decision-making when adopting a new technology application or solution.
Techopedia Explains Hype Cycle
A hype cycle is primarily designed to separate technology hype from reality and to help organizations determine the best time to adopt/acquire a new technology. A hype cycle is divided into five different technology cycles, as follows:
Technology Trigger: This is the earliest technology product phase, when a new technology makes a buzz within focus groups and press media.
Peak of Inflated Expectations: This is the second phase, when a technology can create unrealistic expectations and where most of these technologies fail.
Trough of Disillusionment: The technology/application/solution is a failure and no longer discussed or picked up by the masses and media.
Slope of Enlightenment: Although a technology might massively fail to fulfill expectations, some businesses may continue to use it if productivity, utility and benefit are determined.
Plateau of Productivity: Stable and reliable technology/applications are widely accepted and adopted.