What Does DB-9 Mean?
DB-9 is an analog 9-pin plug of the D-sub miniature (D-sub) connector plug and socket family for computer and communication devices. Some uses and characteristics of the DB-9 connector are:
- Serial communication
- Token Ring network adapters
- IBM video interfaces
- Asynchronous data transfer (standardized as RS-232C)
This term was originally known as DE-9.
Techopedia Explains DB-9
DB-9 connectors are built with the fewest pins and holes in the D-sub connector family. At one time, DB-9 was the typical computer and server component designed to work with the EIA/TIA 232 serial interface, which established the 9-pin function as a standard. The original DB-9 connectors were used for serial peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice and joysticks. Modern DB-9s include interfaces such as USB, PS/2 and FireWire.