What Does Web Designer Mean?
A Web designer is someone who prepares content for the Web. This role is mainly related to the styling and layout of pages with content, including text and images. Web designers use many technologies but commonly rely on hypertext and hypermedia resources including HTML, CSS and additional Web design tools.
Techopedia Explains Web Designer
A Web designer will often manipulate actual HTML code. HTML is the common source code for a Web page. Other kinds of code are added into an HTML document to promote advanced functionality. Different kinds of tools can help to auto-produce HTML that will result in a specific design format. A Web designer may also use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to create a unified style and color scheme throughout an entire website.
Web designers are often proficient in various higher-level programming languages used to create scripts for the Web. Many of them also focus on the ability to create good-looking sites that will display well on a range of browsers and devices.