What Does File Exchange Protocol Mean?
File eXchange Protocol (FXP) is a protocol that allows transferring files from one FTP server to another FTP server using an FXP client. The data is transferred from one remote FTP server to another inter-server without routing the data through the client’s connection.
Techopedia Explains File Exchange Protocol
FXP enables a direct connection between two hosts and reduces the time by removing the middle step of transferring files from an FTP server to a local machine. In a FXP session, there is a standard FTP connection established between two servers by the client. Either of the two servers can be directed to connect to the other to transfer data. The data transfer rate is independent of the Internet connection speed of the client machine because it only depends on the connection speed of the two hosts, which is generally faster than the user’s Internet connection. The standard FTP information, such as transfer progress and connection speed, cannot be seen in client software. A successful or failed transfer is the only message a user sees. All remote servers must support PASV mode, and permit PORT commands, to use FXP.
Though FXP is effective, the network administrators disable FXP in the FTP server software because of the security risks such as server vulnerability to warez and FTP bounce.