What Does Real-Time Optimization Mean?
Real-time optimization (RTO) is a category of closed-loop process control that aims at optimizing process performance in real time for systems.
Compared to traditional process controllers, they are different as they are normally built upon model-based optimization systems and are usually large scale. RTO helps systems in increasing performance and efficiency.
Techopedia Explains Real-Time Optimization
Real-time optimization depends on the optimization model, especially on the feedback it receives. RTO automatically detects errors, and can modify and eliminate both random and non-random errors. RTO can also perform analysis and monitoring of all systems involved.
RTO provides availability of real-time computed data and results, and the ability to send them to desired locations. It also performs assessment of performance and any other details for any desired time frame. RTO additionally provides availability of information on supported tasks and other application dependencies.
Real-time optimization is an effective way to reduce costs and enhance performance of systems.