Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, was moved to court following the 4-day arrest on August 28 in France, according to BMF channel reports.
French authorities detained Durov on August 24 due to Telegram’s alleged lack of cooperation in illegal content investigations. The founder of the messaging app, which has nearly a billion users, faced accusations related to insufficient moderation of the platform.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov released from Police custody and taken to court, where he will be questioned and possibly indicted.
— Expordia | Global News (@expordia) August 28, 2024
Durov was taken into custody upon landing in Le Bourget, France, and is now awaiting further legal proceedings, including a potential indictment for facilitating the spread of illicit content.
European authorities reminded that while Telegram claims to comply with EU laws like the Digital Services Act, this case is based on French jurisdiction.
How Durov’s Arrest Impacts the Tech Landscape
Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, is a prominent figure in the tech industry, often drawing comparisons to Elon Musk for his maverick approach.
With a significant net worth, Durov is known for his strong stance on privacy and limited cooperation with authorities, a position that has put him at odds with European regulations.
His recent arrest in France has sent shockwaves through the tech community, with concerns about increased scrutiny from European regulators. Elon Musk has publicly expressed support for Durov, reflecting growing tensions between tech CEOs and regulatory bodies in Europe.